Plastic membraanventielen zijn ingenieuze apparaten die zijn ontworpen om de stroom van vloeistoffen of gassen in verschillende industriële toepassingen te regelen. Een van de belangrijkste voordelen van plastic membraanventielen is hun weerstand tegen corrosie en chemische aantasting. In tegenstelling tot metalen ventielen, die kunnen roesten of eroderen in agressieve omgevingen, zijn plastic ventielen bestand tegen corrosieve stoffen. Dit maakt ze ideaal voor industrieën zoals chemische verwerking, waterbehandeling en farmacie.

Type 286

Connection system for solvent weld and threaded joints
• Extremely compact construction
• Internal operating components in metal totally isolated from the
conveyed fluid
• Valve stem in STAINLESS steel
• Compressor with floating diaphragm support
• Easy to replace diaphragm seal
• Corrosion-proof internal components
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system 

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Type 882

• Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
• Optimised fluid dynamic design: maximum output flow rate thanks to the
optimised efficiency of the fluid dynamics that characterise the new internal
geometry of the body
• Internal components in metal, totally isolated from the fluid and external environment
• Modularity of the range: only 2 handwheel and 4 diaphragm and bonnet sizes
for 7 different valve sizes
• Non-rising handwheel that stays at the same height during rotation, equipped
with a graduated optical indicator protected by a transparent PVC cap with
seal O-Ring
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system

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Type 885

• Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
• Compact and lightweight construction
• High flow coefficient and minimum pressure drop
• Internal components in metal, totally isolated from the conveyed fluid, with
anti-friction disk to reduce friction to a minimum
• Modularity of the range: only 2 handwheel and 2 diaphragm and bonnet sizes
for 2 different valve sizes
• Handwheel that stays at the same height during rotation
• Bonnet fastening screws that crew into the built-in bush preventing the deposit of dirt or impurities
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system

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Type 186

• Connection system for solvent weld and threaded joints
• Extremely compact construction
• Internal operating components in metal totally isolated from the
conveyed fluid
• Valve stem in STAINLESS steel
• Easy to replace diaphragm seal
• Corrosion-proof internal components
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system

For more information Click Here

Type 382

• Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
• Optimised fluid dynamic design: maximum output flow rate thanks to
the optimised efficiency of the fluid dynamics that characterise the new
internal geometry of the body
• Light and compact piston actuator in PP-GR, ideal for heavy-duty
applications in chemically aggressive environments
• High performance internal components: piston in high strength IXEF
with high quality surface finish and Stem in stainless steel with double
seal O-Ring
• Bonnet fastening screws in AISI 316 steel protected against the external
environment by PE plugs. Absence of metal parts exposed to the external
environment to prevent any risk of corrosion
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system

For more information Click Here

Type 482

• Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
• Optimised fluid dynamic design: maximum output flow rate thanks to
the optimised efficiency of the fluid dynamics that characterise the new
internal geometry of the body
• Light and compact actuator piston in IXEF® ideal for use in harsh
environmental Conditions
• High performance internal components: piston in high mechanical
strength IXEF® with main gasket and lubrication system
• Modularity of the range: only 3 actuators and diaphragms for 5 different
valve sizes
• Bonnet fastening screws in stainless steel protected against the external
environment by PE plugs. Absence of metal parts exposed to the external
environment to prevent any risk of corrosion
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system

For more information Click Here

Type 485 / 285

• Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
• Optimised fluid dynamic design: maximum output flow rate thanks to
the optimised efficiency of the fluid dynamics that characterise the new
internal geometry of the body
• Robust and reliable diaphragm actuator in PP-GR ideal for heavy-duty
applications in chemically aggressive environments
• Modularity of the range: only 3 actuators and diaphragms for 5
different valve sizes
• Bonnet fastening screws in AISI 316 steel protected against the external
environment by PE plugs.
• CDSA (Circular Diaphragm Sealing Angle) system

For more information Click Here